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Mearns Area Partnership

Tullo and Twinshiels Windfarm

The fund available for the next year will be updated in January 2025. This likely to be over £100.000

Applications for the next round of funding will close on 31st March 2025.

Applicants should read the guidelines very carefully to avoid disappointment should their application not meet the criteria. 

Please be aware that it might take several weeks to arrange the panel meeting. 

Any queries please email 

Queries will be replied to as soon as possible. 

What is the Tullo and Twinshiels Wind Farms Community Fund?

Quote from Eneco, the wind farm developer

"We have set up the Tullo and Twinshiels Wind Farms Community Fund because we recognise that, in helping to satisfy society’s energy needs, our activities have the potential to affect our neighbours. We accept the responsibility to minimise those impacts and to operate within the conditions of our planning permissions. We also recognise that a good corporate neighbour is one who contributes to the wider wellbeing of the community. The fund is a practical way of providing such support. The fund is for the benefit of the community and decisions on successful applicants are made by the community."

How much money is available?

The fund available annually is £1,000 per MW of installed capacity (17MW) at Tullo Wind Farm plus £2,750 per MW of installed capacity (25MW) at Twinshiels Wind Farm. 

The next round of funding closes on 31st March 2025. 

Following that date, applications WILL NOT be accepted until 1st July 2024 with that round closing on 30th September 2025. 

Applications to the fund should be made electronically where possible using the form on the documents page. 

The guidelines are also available on that page - please read them carefully before completing the form to ensure that both your group and your proposed project are acceptable. The panel is committed to follow the guidelines and will not make exceptions. 

Completed applications will be considered by the panel after two closing dates - 31st March and 30th September (to avoid holiday times). The panel will convene within 8 weeks to discuss applications and allocate awards. If successful, you will then receive a letter of offer detailing any conditions and agreeing to submit feedback with 12 months. Once you have agreed, payment will be with you within 10 days.

Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from the documents page.              
